ICSE examinations are conducted by the council for the Indian school certificate examination. ICSE Class 10 board exams are regarded as the most important phase in a student’s life. ICSE Board examinations for class 10 for the year 2020 started on the 27th Feb. The chemistry exam was held on 16th March. In this post students are provided with ICSE Class 10 Board Exam 2020 Chemistry Paper with Solution.
Analysis of ICSE Class 10 Board 2020 Chemistry paper
The chemistry paper for the year 2020 was not a very tough paper. The questions were direct and logical. Anyone who has prepared the chapters with special attention on the chemical equations and observation must have found it easier.
The paper was of 80 marks divided into two sections.
Section I was a compulsory section carrying 40 marks. It included 4 questions of 10 marks each from all the chapters of the syllabus.
Section II was optional in which students had to attempt any four questions out of six of them.
Importance of Chemistry Paper in Board Exams
Chemistry is one of the three science subjects taught in the ICSE syllabus. In the marking system, the three science subjects are included in one broad category-science. The marks for these subjects are not calculated separately but the average of the three science papers is taken as the marks for Science.
That is why it is important to do well in individual papers. Marks of one subject will affect the overall grade of the category.
ICSE Class 10 Board Exam 2020 Chemistry Paper with Solution
ICSE Class 10 Board Exam 2020 Chemistry Paper with a solution has been provided below. The solution has been made in video format. The video solution of the paper will help the students understand the concept and the logic behind the answers easily.
ICSE Class 10 Board Exam 2020 Chemistry Paper
ICSE Class 10 Board Exam 2020 Chemistry Paper Solution
Section A Solution