What is a Duck Number?

What is a Duck Number?

Duck Number is a positive non-zero number which contains zero in it. It is to be noted that a number with leading zero, i.e. if a number begins with a zero, cannot be called a Duck Number. Zero must be present at any position other than the beginning. There could be any number of zeroes in a Duck number.

Examples of Duck Numbers

There are uncountable examples of Duck Number. To name a few, 3250, 102, 70508, 30, are some examples of Duck numbers.
Let us understand some examples of Duck Number.
1. 023 is not a Duck Number, as the number contains a leading zero.
2. 2305 is a Duck number, as another zero is present in the number at a position other than the beginning.
3. 30507 is also a Duck number because two zeroes are present in it at positions other than the beginning.
4. 0053 is not a Duck Number, as it contains leading zeroes.

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